Information for the press
This section contains Press Releases and other information for the media.
Press release, 24 September - Disabled people take to the streets to demand equal rights. Available here.
Press release, 22 August - Disabled people demand an end to segregation and to being second class citizens. Available here.
Press clippings
Euronews: link
Agence Europe: link
RTL Belgium: link​​
Politico: link
UNEQUIVOCAL ON EQUALITY: Representatives of more than 50 civil society organizations working on equality issues signed a letter crying foul on Monday over Ursula von der Leyen’s move to merge the European Commission’s equality portfolio with crisis management. A protest march calling for an end to “segregation” and “exclusion” is planned for today.
BRUZZ: link
HLN (ook in de krant, pg 22): link
De Specialist: link ​
La Libre: link
Greens: link
MEP Catarina Martins: link
Attiva Mente, San Marino: link
Gaeta: link
Austrian Disability Council: link
Kobinet, Germany: link
Agile, Switzerland: link